Gordana Vešligaj


Physiotherapist and Osteopath who was born, works and lives in Velika Gorica, Croatia.

She received her Msc. in Physiotherapy from Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

She is a  Sensory Integration Specialist.

Twenty two out of thirty-four years of her professional life she has dedicated to the treatment of children with multiple developmental difficulties, first at her Center for the improvement of mobility of children with multiple disabilities and since 2012 in her private physical therapy clinic.

She has completed 42 postgraduate education programs in the field of pediatric physiotherapy.

She is an internationally certified Bobath Therapist, KoST Therapist and Sensory Integration therapist. She is the co-founder and a regular lecturer at the HAO, Croatian Academy of Osteopathy.

She is also the co-founder and president of the Croatian Association of Osteopaths.

She has participated in more than 30 domestic and foreign professional conferences, has published 16 papers in collected works and 6 papers in professional journals.

She won the Golden Plaque for contributing to the Physiotherapy development in Croatia and the Andrew Taylor Still Award for the promotion and contributing to the development of Osteopathy in Croatia.









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